Saturday, November 26, 2016

Great Expectations, Written by Charles Dickens

Great Expectations

Written by: Charles Dickens


Great Expectations is the story of Pip. Pip is an orphan who lives with his sister and her husband. He is the narrator of the story. He tells how he came upon a convict, Magwitch, when he was visiting his parents graves. Pip brings the convict some food and a file to take his manacles off. This event would change his life forever but, he won't know this until much later. His sister comes home one day very excited because the rich Ms. Havisham has requested for Pip to come "play" at her estate. Pip would be paid for his time. Ms. Havisham is a bitter old women who has stopped time the day her fiancĂ© ran out on their wedding day. She still wears her wedding dress, which has yellowed, and all the clocks have stopped at the time her wedding was cancelled. The house still has the wedding cake and banquet with decayed food. The food has mice, spiders, and other bugs all over it. Ms. Havisham has adopted a young girl, Estella. Estella is to be her revenge on all the male population. She wants her to be beautiful and irresistible to all boys. Ms. Havisham grooms her to be a heart breaker. This is why she has Pip come to play. He is to help Estella hone her skills. Pip is very ashamed of the way he lives and who he will become. He longs to be a gentleman and a man of means. He goes to Ms. Havishams for eight months when his sister comes and tells Ms. Havisham that it is time for him to start his apprenticeship. A few years into his apprenticeship a lawyer comes to him and tells him he has a benefactor who wishes to remain anonymous. Ms. Havisham makes him believe it is her. Pip moves to London and begins his education. Magwitch shows up at night years later and explains he is the benefactor not Ms. Havisham. He is on the run but, wanted to see Pip as a gentleman. When all the stories of the characters are told it comes about that Estella is Magwitch's daughter. Estella's mother was Ms. Havisham's servant. Magwitch made his fortune helping Ms. Havisham's ex-fiance in illegal dealings. When Pip learns this he refuses the money from Magwitch. Eventually, Ms. Havisham dies leaving everything to Estella. Estella grows up and says she is unable to love anyone. Magwitch dies in prison. Pip goes to work for his friend and comes back years later to find Estella not married. They talk and Estella has changed. She has felt the sting of rejection and heartache. The story ends with Pip and Estella holding hands walking. 

The classroom it is used to teach history and the difference of classes. It brings such a wide array of characters and personalities. 

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