Sunday, November 27, 2016

Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, Written by Judy Blume

Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing

Written by Judy Blume

Grades: 3-7

West Australian Young Readers' Book Award (WAYRBA) for Younger Readers (1980)
Grand Canyon Reader Award (1977) 
Massachusetts Children's Book Award (1977)
Pacific Northwest Library Association Young Reader's Choice Award (1975) 
Charlie May Simon Children's Book Award (1974)Oklahoma Sequoyah Award (1975)

This book is about Peter Hatcher who is 9 years old. Peter is beyond frustrated and annoyed at his little brother's behavior. Fudge, which is what his little brother goes by, is often unpunished for his behavior. Fudge's favorite thing to annoy is Peter's turtle, Dribble. Fudge continues being a hassle for Peter by breaking his front teeth after catapulting himself from the jungle gym, throwing temper tantrums, and smearing mashed potatoes on the wall! Then horror strikes, Dribble is missing. When Fudge is asked about it, he said he ate Dribble. In the emergency room they extract Dribble from Fudge, but he is dead. As usual, Fudge doesn't get into trouble. Peter gets a dog to replace Dribble so he names him Turtle. 

In the classroom this is a classic book to have. It lets other children with siblings know they are not alone in the struggle of siblings.  

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