Friday, November 25, 2016

Or Give Me Death: A Novel of Patrick Henry's Family, Written by: Ann Rinaldi

Or Give Me Death: A Novel of Patrick Henry's Family

Written by: Ann Rinaldi

Grades: 6-12

This book is about two of Patrick Henry's daughters, Patsy and Anne. They are growing up in Revolutionary America where there is unrest all around them. Patsy is sixteen and is trying to hold the family together. She is the oldest and their mother is mentally ill and needs to be locked up to keep from harming them. Anne is only nine. She is tormented by the question of, "When is it good to tell a lie?" or "Do you keep a secret?".  Their mother does die halfway through the book. Anne has second sight and knows who will be next to get their mother's mental illness. She tries to tell everyone it is her but, reveals to a slave that it is actually her brother John. John does go mad but, it is after his father marries the girl he wanted to marry himself. This book shows the harsh reality of mental illness in Colonial America. It also shows the strength of families when they go through hard times together. The author does make sure to note at the end that this book is fiction.

For use in the classroom it would be to show how mental ill people were treated in the past. It would also give students a look into life in Colonial time period.

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